Thursday, September 23, 2010

Outside the city

Dubai's biggest business these days is tourism. And one of the most popular tourist activities is the Desert Safari. The group from the Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry took one Thursday and the day included camel riding, an adventurous ride across sand dunes in  four-wheel drive vehicles that can leave visitors wondering what is up and what is down,  a barbeque dinner and a display of traditional dancing.The group also stopped at a traditional Dubai shopping mart on their way to their desert activities to test their hand at bartering. As usual, the sun beat hot Thursday, when tghe heat was decidedly not dry.


Blogger LeAnna said...

great photos! Thanks for posting. I assume the desert pic outside the car window is the sand dune ride? Sounds fun and looks a little treacherous.

September 25, 2010 at 10:20 AM 
Blogger Katie Shaver said...

Thank you for dispelling the myth that Dubai is a "dry heat"! I have to correct that many times every time I am home!

September 27, 2010 at 12:50 AM 

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