Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Old Dubai

We visited Old Dubai today and were impressed. Since we've arrived in Dubai our travels have taken us to, or around, the buildings and attractions built in the last decade. And they're very impressive. But old Dubai has the look, feel and smell of what you think of when you think of a Middle East city: crowds of people, intense salespeople (no, for the 127th time, I don't want to buy a knockoff Rolex), the faint and sometimes not so faint waft of human body odor (when it's 105 with 70 percent humidity on teeming streets, you'll have this), and the various robes and languages on display.
In other words, it's a pleasant assualt on the senses. Below, Frederica Massiah-Jackson and Clifford DeBaptiste cross a busy street in Old Dubai on Saturday. Massiah-Jackson and DeBaptiste are part of a group from the Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry visiting Dubai this week. Further below, the group meets on a street corner to map out strategy and a general street scene is below that.
-- Brian McCullough


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