Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Dubai: Can you top this?

News flash from Dubai: This place is crazy rich. At least the parts we saw today on our tour of new Dubai, which is one of seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. We're not talking Chester County horse farm rich here, we're talking what would you do if money were no object wealthy.
Let's start with the Atlantis Hotel, where the top room goes for  $35,000 a night.
What respectable hotel doesn't have a full-scale acquarium in it?
And the floors, every stop had ornate smooth marble floors.
Let's move on to the Royal Mirage, where you're greeted with statues of golden camels with riders on them. Don't forget Burj Al Arab. The building that's shaped like a sailboat is built on a man-made island and lights up at night.
And of course, there's  Burj Khalifa,  the tallest building in the world with 124 stories.
Pictured from top are: An artwork created at the entrance of the residential units in Burj Khalifa, fish in an acquarium at the Atlantis Hotel, a hallway at the Royal Mirage, and the Dubai skyline looking down from Burj Khalifa.
 Brian McCullough


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